
Logs the response.


def logResponse(marker: String)(implicit log: LoggingContext): Directive0
def logResponse(marker: String, level: LogLevel)(implicit log: LoggingContext): Directive0
def logResponse(show: Any => String)(implicit log: LoggingContext): Directive0
def logResponse(show: Any => LogEntry)(implicit log: LoggingContext): Directive0
def logResponse(magnet: LoggingMagnet[Any => Unit])(implicit log: LoggingContext): Directive0

The signature shown is simplified, the real signature uses magnets. [1]

[1]See The Magnet Pattern for an explanation of magnet-based overloading.


See logRequest for the general description how these directives work. This directive is different as it requires a LoggingMagnet[Any => Unit]. Instead of just logging HttpResponses, logResponse is able to log anything passing through The Responder Chain (which can either be a HttpResponsePart or a Rejected message reporting rejections).

Use logRequest for logging the request, or logRequestResponse for logging both.


// different possibilities of using logResponse

// The first alternatives use an implicitly available LoggingContext for logging
// marks with "get-user", log with debug level, HttpResponse.toString

// marks with "get-user", log with info level, HttpResponse.toString
DebuggingDirectives.logResponse("get-user", Logging.InfoLevel)

// logs just the response status at debug level
def responseStatus(res: Any): String = res match {
  case x: HttpResponse => x.status.toString
  case _ => "unknown response part"
DebuggingDirectives.logResponse(responseStatus _)

// logs just the response status at info level
def responseStatusAsInfo(res: Any): LogEntry = LogEntry(responseStatus(res), Logging.InfoLevel)
DebuggingDirectives.logResponse(responseStatusAsInfo _)

// This one doesn't use the implicit LoggingContext but uses `println` for logging
def printResponseStatus(res: Any): Unit = println(responseStatus(res))
val logResponsePrintln = DebuggingDirectives.logResponse(LoggingMagnet(printResponseStatus))

Get("/") ~> logResponsePrintln(complete("logged")) ~> check {
  responseAs[String] === "logged"