Common Behavior

The spray-can HTTP Server and HTTP Client APIs share a number of command and event messages that are explained in this chapter.

Closing Connections

Server- and client-side connection actors can be sent one of three defined Http.CloseCommand messages in order to trigger the closing of an HTTP connection. They mirror the TCP-level commands and events from Akka IO and have the following semantics:

A “regular” close. Potentially pending unsent data are flushed to the connection before a TCP FIN is sent. The peers FIN ACK is not awaited. If the close is successful the sender will be notified with an Http.Closed event message.
The closing of the connection is intially started by flushing pending writes and sending a TCP FIN to the peer. Data will continue to be received until the peer closes the connection too with its own FIN. If the close is successful the sender will be notified with an Http.ConfirmedClosed event message.
Immediately terminates the connection by sending a RST message to the peer. Pending writes are not flushed. If the close is successful the sender will be notified with an Http.Aborted event message.

In addition to the confirmation events mentioned above the connection actor will dispatch two other events derived from the Http.ConnectionClosed trait in certain cases:

Dispatched when the remote peer has closed the connection without “our” side having initiated the close first.
Dispatched whenever an error occurred that forced the connection to be closed.

ACKed Sends

If required the server- and client-side connection actors can confirm the successful delivery of an HTTP message (part) to the OS network layer by replying with a “send ACK” message. The application can request a send ACK by modifying a message part with the withAck method. For example, the following handler logic receives the String “ok” as an actor message after the response has been successfully written to the connections socket:

def receive = {
  case HttpRequest(GET, Uri.Path("/ping"), _, _, _) =>
    sender() ! HttpResponse(entity = "PONG").withAck("ok")

  case "ok" => println("Response was sent successfully")

Such ACK messages are especially helpful for triggering the sending of the next message part in a request- or response streaming scenario since with such a design the application will never produce more data than the network can handle.

Send ACKs are always dispatched to the actor which sent the respective message (part). They are only supported on the server-side as well as on the client-side connection-level API (i.e. not currently on the client-side host- and request-level APIs).