Complete Examples

The /examples/spray-routing/ directory of the spray repository contains a number of example projects for spray-routing, which are described here.


This examples demonstrates how to run spray-routing on top of the spray-can HTTP Server. It implements a very simple web-site and shows off various features like streaming, stats support and timeout handling.

Follow these steps to run it on your machine:

  1. Clone the spray repository:

    git clone git://
  2. Change into the base directory:

    cd spray
  3. Run SBT:

    sbt "project on-spray-can" run

    (If this doesn’t work for you your SBT runner cannot deal with grouped arguments. In this case you’ll have to run the commands project on-spray-can and run sequentially “inside” of SBT.)

  4. Browse to

  5. Alternatively you can access the service with curl:

    curl -v
  6. Stop the service with:

    curl -v


This examples demonstrates how to run spray-routing on top of spray-servlet. It implements a very simple web-site and shows off various features like streaming, stats support and timeout handling.

Follow these steps to run it on your machine:

  1. Clone the spray repository:

    git clone git://
  2. Change into the base directory:

    cd spray
  3. Run SBT:

    sbt "project on-jetty" container:start shell
  4. Browse to

  5. Alternatively you can access the service with curl:

    curl -v
  6. Stop the service with:



This examples demonstrates how to use the SimpleRoutingApp trait.

Follow these steps to run it on your machine:

  1. Clone the spray repository:

    git clone git://
  2. Change into the base directory:

    cd spray
  3. Run SBT:

    sbt "project simple-routing-app" run

    (If this doesn’t work for you your SBT runner cannot deal with grouped arguments. In this case you’ll have to run the commands project simple-routing-app and run sequentially “inside” of SBT.)

  4. Browse to

  5. Alternatively you can access the service with curl:

    curl -v
  6. Stop the service with:

    curl -v