
Extracts all parameters at once as a multi-map of type Map[String, List[String] mapping a parameter name to a list of all its values.


def parameterMultiMap: Directive1[Map[String, List[String]]] 


This directive can be used if parameters can occur several times. The order of values is not specified.

See When to use which parameter directive? for other choices.


val route =
  parameterMultiMap { params =>
    complete(s"There are parameters ${ => x._1+" -> "+x._2.size).mkString(", ")}")

Get("/?color=blue&count=42") ~> route ~> check {
  responseAs[String] === "There are parameters color -> 1, count -> 1"
Get("/?x=23&x=42") ~> route ~> check {
  responseAs[String] === "There are parameters x -> 2"